Padres de NES: Recogido de materiales manana de 9:00 a 5:00 unicamente para grados 1 a 5. Les agredecemos en avanca usar mascaras y para quedarse en sus carros. Traeremos materiales a ustedes.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Materials pick up tomorrow from 9:00-5:00 for 1st-5th grades only. We thank you in advance for wearing masks and remaining in your cars. We will bring the materials to you.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
New Schedule for the NES Bookmobile! Come get a book from your friendly librarians! Horario nuevo para el Libromobil de la primaria. Ven a sacar un libro de tus amables bibliotecarias!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Bookmobile Schedule
Padres de Kinder de NES: Lamentamos a informarles que por un aumento reciente en casos positivos de Covid -19 en el area, hemos decidido a posponer el regreso al instruccion en persona de nuestros estudiantes de Kinder. Nos disculpamos sinceramente las problemas que este cambio ha causado, pero queremos asegurar la salud de la comunidad escolar. A la vez, tenemos el plan a anunciar en la proxima semana una fecha nueva para el comienzo de instruccion en persona para los ninos de Kinder.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
We regret to inform you that because of a very recent surge in positive cases in the area, we have decided to postpone the planned in-person return of our Kinder students. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you, but want to be sure we are maintaining the safety of our school community. We are, however, happy to say this is only a postponement, and we fully expect to announce a new Kinder in-person start date in the next week.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Nyssa Elementary Readers: Return your book, get a new book and tell your friends about The Bookmobile. Here is the schedule! Lectores de la Primaria de Nyssa: Devuelvan sus libros, saquen otro y corran la voz sobre El Libromobil! Aqui esta el horario!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Padres de NES: Queremos agradecerles su ayuda con el instruccion en linea, y recordarles que la asistencia para las clases en linea es obligatorio. No hay clases este viernes 18 de septiembre porque los maestros tendran un entrenamiento.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: We want to thank you for your assistance in helping us provide online instruction for your kids, and wish to remind you that daily online attendance is mandatory for all students. This Friday, 9-18, there will be no classes, as teachers will have professional development.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Padres de NES: Recogido de materiales manana, 10 de septiembre, de 9:00 a 5:00 para primer grado, tercer grado clases bilingues solamente, y cuarto grado. Este recogido sera auto servicio, y tendramos cajas de materiales arreglados por el bordillo.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Materials pick up tomorrow, 9/10, from 9:00-5:00 for 1st grade, 3rd grade Dual Language, and 4th grades only. This will be a self-service pick up, with designated bins of materials arranged along the curb.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Big News for Nyssa Elementary Readers!!! The Bookmobile is coming your way. Here is the schedule; come get a book! Grandes noticias para lectores de la primaria! El Libromobil viene a tu casa. Aqui esta el horario; ven a sacar un libro!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Ms. Petersen and Ms. Steinmetz at the Bookmobile
Bookmobile Schedule
Padres de NES: Esperamos que el aprendisaje se hace mas facil para sus hijos, y que esten mas comodo con sus clases nuevos. Con sugerencias, favor de llamarme directamente: 372-9252
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents from Mr. Murray: We hope your students are starting to get accustomed to online learning, and beginning to settle into their new classes. Please contact me directly with suggestions: 372-9252
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
This is what teacher meetings look like this year!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Teacher meeting
What a weird new world we’re in. Mrs. Adams led a socially distanced phonics lesson for staff in front of the school today.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Socially-distanced professional development today at NES!
Familias de NES: problemas electronicos han sido resolvado, pero si todavia no pueden conectar, favor de llamar la escuela. Sobre los almuerzos estudiantiles, queremos que los ninos tengan tiempo para recoger su comida y entonces regresan a sus clases.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES: with a few exceptions, tech problems have been resolved! Please notify our office if they are not. Regarding lunches, we want to make sure your students are able to get them even if they have to miss a few minutes of class.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Familias de NES: pedimos disculpas para las problemas con los correos electronicos. Nuestros tecnicos todavia estan trabajando en el problema, y lo resolveran pronto.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Families: we sincerely apologize for the difficulties logging in. Tech continues to work on the problem and hopes to have it repaired shortly. We will update soon.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Familias de NES: para todos que han tenido problemas de entrar en las clases hoy, nuestros técnicos están trabajando duro para resolver el problema para que TODOS nuestros estudiantes puedan asistir a su primer dia de clases, sin problemas, manana!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman