Free COVID testing at The Four Rivers Community School in Ontario tonight, 12/17/2020, 5-7pm Pruebas de COVID gratuitas en la Escuela Comunitaria Cuatro Rios en Ontario, esta noche, 12/17/2020, 17:00 - 19:00
over 3 years ago, Scott Rodman
Merry Christmas, from everyone at Nyssa Elementary! Enjoy our staff singing Frosty over Google Meet!
over 3 years ago, Scott Rodman
Spread the Word! Nyssa Elementary is looking for a smart, kind, inspiring adult to work with our students. We have a full-time instructional assistant position open. Health insurance; Retirement; Paid leave; 8 paid holidays; The joy of being paid to help kids improve themselves every day. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of our amazing team, email! Click for more information:
over 3 years ago, Scott Rodman
Nyssa School District office schedule over the holidays: Open: Dec. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31 and Jan 4. Closed: Dec. 24, 25, and Jan 1
over 3 years ago, Nyssa School District
NES Christmas Coloring Contest And the winners are... K - Josealfredo Parra; Kayla McCreary; Angelique Monroy; Patch Beck; Marina Candelas 1 - Thalia Garcia; Aspen Vickers; Aliyah Mondragon; Isabelle Prado 2 - Jazmine Rodas; Jaretzy Bautista; Natalie Deleon; Gerardo Flores; Rosalee Carey 3 - Jazlene Melendez; Enrique Ramirez; Luisenrique Parra 4 - Bristol Cade; Makayla Carey; Alexis Camarillo; Mia Ramirez 5 - Gianna Rojas; Sunny Groves; Ingrid Diaz; Molly Beck Your artwork was bold, detailed and creative and 288 students participated!! Merry Christmas!
over 3 years ago, Scott Rodman
Ultimo dia para la competencia de colorear. Estudiantes de la primaria, por favor entreguen sus dibujos o a sus maestros o al bote negro afuera de la escuela antes de las 5:00 mañana, 9 de diciembre. Cada participante gana un premio. Los tres ganadores por grado ganaran: 1o) juego de arte, 2o) libro y 3o) un dulce Navideno. !Suerte!
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Final Day for Nyssa Elementary Coloring Contest! K - 5 students, please turn in your Christmas coloring pages to your teacher or the black bin in front of the school by 5:00pm on Wednesday, 12/9! All participants win a prize. Top three in each grade win: 1st) an art set, 2nd) a new book and 3rd) a Christmas candy.
almost 4 years ago, Scott Rodman
Padres de NES: recordatorio que las clases en persona reasumen lunes el 7 de diciembre para todos estudiantes.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Reminder that classes resume in-person for all students on Monday, 12/7.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Padres de NES: Recogido de materiales sera mañana de 12:00 a 5:00. Gracias para usar mascaras.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Materials pick up for all students will be tomorrow from 12:00-5:00. Thank you for wearing masks!
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 2. Students 0
almost 4 years ago, Nyssa School District
Padres de NES: recordatorio que instrucción para esta semana 11/30-12/4 estará en linea para todos estudiantes. Instrucción en persona reasumirá 12/7 para todos los grados Kinder a quinto.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Reminder that instruction for the current week of 11/30-12/4 will be online for all students. In-person instruction resumes 12/7 for all grades K-5th.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
Padres de NES: recordatorio que instrucción para la semana 11/30-12/4 estará en linea para todos estudiantes. Instrucción en persona reasumirá 12/7 para todos los grados Kinder a quinto. Felices días festivos!
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents: Reminder that instruction for the week of 11/30-12/4 will be online for all students. In-person instruction resumes 12/7 for all grades K-5th. Happy holiday!
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
The current COVID Positive Case for faculty in the Nyssa School District is 3.
almost 4 years ago, Nyssa School District
Padres de ninos de cuarto y quinto grados: estamos emocionados a saludar sus hijos a instruccion en persona limitada, empezando el 7 de diciembre, segun el horario compartido de sus maestros. Favor de asegurar que sus hijos usan mascaras!
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
NES Parents of 4th and 5th Graders: We are excited to announce a partial return to in-person instruction, beginning 12/7/20. Students will attend school in-person for two hours per day according to a schedule we will provide you shortly. This return is subject to postponement given a change in health metrics. Please look for additional details from your child's teacher.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray
No hay escuela 11/25-11/27 para la fiesta del Dia de Accion de Gracias. La escuela reasume 11/30-12/4 EN LINEA para todos estudiantes. El instruccion en persona reasume 12/7, y incluiran todos estudiantes K-5th segun el horario compartido de los maestros de sus hijos.
almost 4 years ago, Matt Murray