Message from the Elementary PTO: Please join us this coming Thursday, August 24th at 6 pm in Mac Hall for our PTO meeting. We will discuss Fall Carnival preparations and assignments . We need many hands to make this event happen. We hope you can join us. This fundraiser is used to fund a variety of needs for students and teachers throughout the year. Únase a nosotros el próximo jueves 24 de agosto a las 6 pm en Mac Hall para nuestra reunión de PTO. Discutiremos los preparativos y las tareas del Carnaval de Otoño. Necesitamos muchas manos para hacer realidad este evento. Esperamos que pueda unirse a nosotros. Esta recaudación de fondos se utiliza para financiar una variedad de necesidades de estudiantes y maestros durante todo el año.
11 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
PTO Officers
August Lunch Menu
11 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
August Lunch Menu
Happy New School Year to our Nyssa Elementary Families, Monday, August 21 is coming and we want your child(ren) to have a great first day of school. Kindergarten families are on a different schedule, so may disregard this. The loop in front of the school is for Drop Off and pick up of 1st graders, for parents not walking their child to the classroom. If you are coming with your child, please find a safe place to park. Please be patient and safe Follow the directions of the staff at the drop off and pick up areas. They are there to help your child to be safe. Monday morning at 7:55 you are welcome to walk with your child(ren) to class. 8:05 we will need to start classes and parents are asked to say "goodbye" to their child for the day. Dismissal is at 3:30 pm this year. Pick up areas have been divided this year for added safety. Front of the school- 1st grade students and siblings of grades 2,3,4 5 are getting picked up will be in the front of the school in the loop. Bower Avenue- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students that have older siblings will be getting picked up on Bower Ave. Remember to treat Bower Ave. as a one way heading from west to east to pick up your child. There is no longer a crosswalk on Bower Ave. so we will not be walking kids across the road. Walkers of all grades will be assisted out of the building, as will bus riders. Thank you and let's get this year off to a great start! Feliz nuevo año escolar a nuestras familias de la escuela primaria Nyssa, Se acerca el lunes 21 de agosto y queremos que su(s) hijo(s) tengan un excelente primer día de clases. Las familias de kindergarten tienen un horario diferente, por lo que pueden ignorar esto. El circuito en frente de la escuela es para dejar y recoger a los alumnos de 1er grado, para los padres que no llevan a sus hijos al salón de clases. Si viene con su hijo, busque un lugar seguro para estacionar. Sea paciente y seguro. Siga las instrucciones del personal en las áreas para dejar y recoger. Están allí para ayudar a su hijo a estar seguro. El lunes por la mañana a las 7:55 puede caminar con su(s) hijo(s) a clase. 8:05 tendremos que comenzar las clases y se les pide a los padres que digan "adiós" a su hijo por el día. La salida es a las 3:30 pm este año. Las áreas de recogida se han dividido este año para mayor seguridad. Frente a la escuela: los estudiantes de 1er grado y los hermanos de los grados 2, 3, 4 5 serán recogidos en el frente de la escuela en el circuito. Bower Avenue: los estudiantes de 2.°, 3.°, 4.° y 5.° grado que tienen hermanos mayores serán recogidos en Bower Ave. Recuerde tratar a Bower Ave. como una dirección de oeste a este para recoger a su hijo. Ya no hay un cruce de peatones en Bower Ave., por lo que no caminaremos a los niños por la calle. Los caminantes de todos los grados serán ayudados a salir del edificio, al igual que los pasajeros del autobús. ¡Gracias y empecemos este año con buen pie!
11 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
Backpacks for All Students! ¡Mochilas para todos los estudiantes!
12 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
NEW Pick up and Drop-Off Routines for Nyssa Elementary School. Please read this letter explaining the new pick-up and drop off routines for our school. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUEVAS rutinas de recogida y entrega para la escuela primaria Nyssa. Lea esta carta que explica las nuevas rutinas de recogida y entrega de nuestra escuela.
12 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
Nyssa HOSA competing in an Anatomy competition on an Anatomage Table during the ILC College and Career Fair. Many of the nations top colleges and universities were present offering members information about their institutions and programs.
12 months ago, Nyssa School District
Nyssa HOSA Students
NSD HOSA Students
Free haircuts for school aged children. Saturday Aug. 12th from 9am-3pm at Ontario Elks Lodge. Cortes de pelo gratis para niños en edad escolar. Sábado 12 de agosto de 9am a 3pm en Ontario Elks Lodge.
12 months ago, District Office
Free Hair Cuts
Hi Everyone, We wanted to take a moment to tell you about a couple of things. 1. Our School Day will be 8:00 am until 3:30 pm, and school starts on 8/21. 2. Our Open House will be Thursday, August 17th from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. We hope to see everyone at the event. Hola a todos, Queríamos tomarnos un momento para contarles un par de cosas. 1. Nuestro día escolar será de 8:00 am a 3:30 pm y la escuela comienza el 21 de agosto. 2. Nuestra Casa Abierta será el jueves 17 de agosto de 4:00 a 6:00 pm. Esperamos verlos a todos en el evento.
12 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
Welcome Letter from Mr. Shane Pratt our Principal
12 months ago, Nyssa Elementary School
Principal Letter English
Principal Letter Spanish
Nyssa Students Represent at the Malheur County Fair It's truly heartwarming to witness the growth and development of these young individuals as they take on various challenges and learning opportunities through their participation in FFA, 4H and other organizations. The Malheur County Fair provides an excellent platform for them to showcase their talents, skills, and the knowledge they have gained through their engagement in agricultural education. Our students' commitment to excellence is a testament to the quality of education and guidance they receive from our Nyssa School District. I firmly believe that supporting and encouraging our students not only fosters a sense of community pride but also contributes to their personal growth and leadership development. These experiences will undoubtedly serve them well as they move forward in their academic and professional journeys. As parents, teachers, and community members, it is our collective responsibility to continue empowering and uplifting our students. By attending events like the Malheur County Fair, we demonstrate our unwavering support and appreciation for their hard work and achievements.
12 months ago, Nyssa School District
Nyssa Staff Students and livestock
Nyssa Staff Students and livestock
Nyssa Staff Students and livestock
Nyssa Staff Students and livestock
Online Registration open Aug. 2nd & 3rd.
almost 1 year ago, District Office
Registration Flyer
Registration Flyer
MCHD is here on campus 8/3 from 9-2pm in the HS Gym foyer offering school vaccines to students K-12. No appointment needed. Free Sports physicals are also available for students playing sports this year. Athletes are required to have a sports physical every two years, but there is required paperwork every year. Stop in to fill out paperwork. Euvalcree and Valley Family are here offering OHP assistance. Nyssa Migrant program is also here offering assistance and services to migrant families. MCHD está aquí en el campus 8/3 de 9 a 2 p.m. en el vestíbulo de HS Gym, ofreciendo vacunas escolares a los estudiantes de K-12. No se necesita cita. Los exámenes físicos deportivos gratuitos también están disponibles para los estudiantes que practican deportes este año. Los atletas deben tener un examen físico deportivo cada dos años, pero se requiere papeleo cada año. Visítanos para completar el papeleo. Euvalcree y Valley Family están aquí ofreciendo asistencia de Plan De Salud de Oregon. Y el programa Migrante también está aquí ofreciendo asistencia y servicios a las familias migrantes.
almost 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Good morning. At last night’s Nyssa School Board meeting (7/24/2023), the Board voted to appoint Ryan Hawkins as Interim Superintendent of Nyssa School District. Congratulations, Ryan! Pat Morinaka - Board Chair Buenos Dias. En la junta de anoche (7/24/2023), La Mesa Directiva del Distrito escolar de Nyssa voto para Ryan Hawkins como Superintendente Provisional del Distrito Escolar. Felicidades Ryan!
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Buen día. Como la mayoría de ustedes han escuchado, la Mesa Escolar de Nyssa y el Superintendente Johnson firmaron un acuerdo de separación efectivo el 18 julio de este año. Este es un acuerdo negociado que fue presentado a la Mesa Escolar y ratificado por la Mesa Escolar con un voto unánime en una reunión especial anoche (lunes 17 de julio). La Mesa Escolar está plenamente consciente del impacto que genera cualquier cambio de liderazgo y entiende que la incertidumbre puede generar desconfianza. Tenga en cuenta que la Mesa Escolar está trabajando y respete el proceso a medida. Gracias.
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Good morning. As most of you have heard, the Nyssa School Board and Superintendent Johnson signed a separation agreement effective today. This is a negotiated agreement that was presented to the Board and ratified by the Board with a unanimous vote at a special meeting last night (Monday, July 17th). The Board is fully aware of the impact any leadership change generates and understands that uncertainty can breed distrust. Please know that the Board is working and please respect the process as the Board moves forward. Thank you. Pat Morinaka
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
The Nyssa School District is looking to fill three Budget Committee vacancies for fiscal year 2024-25. If you are interested the application can be found on the Districts main homepage. Applications are due by August 11th @ 5pm.
about 1 year ago, District Office
Nyssa Elementary School and the Nyssa School District Migrant Summer School Program would like to thank Silva's Outdoors Entertainment LLC. for donating a bounce house with water and a water slide for our 2nd Grade Classes to enjoy the last week of summer school! Here are some pictures of how much fun the students had! Silva's Contact information is: 626-522-5056. Please tell Nettie thank you for the amazing donation to our children! La Escuela Primaria Nyssa y el Programa de Escuela de Verano para Migrantes del Distrito Escolar de Nyssa quisieran agradecer a Silva's Outdoors Entertainment LLC. por donar una casa inflable con agua y un tobogán de agua para que nuestras clases de segundo grado disfruten la última semana de la escuela de verano. ¡Aquí hay algunas fotos de lo divertido que se divirtieron los estudiantes! La información de contacto de Silva es: 626-522-5056. ¡Dígale a Nettie gracias por la increíble donación a nuestros niños!
about 1 year ago, Nyssa Elementary School
So fun
Water Slides
It's time for Drive for School Spirit! If you would like a N or Paw painted on your sidewalk/driveway please stop by the City Hall and fill out a form by June 14th. PTO will be painting on June 19th. ¡Es hora de Drive for School Spirit! Si desea que se pinte una N o una pata en su acera/entrada, pase por el Ayuntamiento y complete un formulario antes del 14 de junio. PTO estará pintando el 19 de junio.
about 1 year ago, Tricia Book
Here are the lunch and breakfast schedules for this summer's food service program!
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District
Espanol Sched
English Sched
Summer Lunch
Summer Breakfast
Coaching Opportunities @ Nyssa School District #GONYSSAHIGHGO
about 1 year ago, Nyssa School District