NES Parents: for students living between 4th and 11th Streets, the morning bus on Wednesday will run about 30 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience. Padres de NES: para estudiantes que viven entre las calles 4th y 11th, el autobús escolar pasará tarde por 30 minutos el miércoles de esta semana.

NES Parents: there is a PTO parent meeting scheduled for tonight at 6:30 p.m in Mac Hall. Please join us. Padres de NES: Hay una reunión de padres hoy a las 6:30 p.m en Mac Hall. Por favor únete a nosotros.

NES Parents: for students living between 4th and 11th Streets, the morning bus on Thursday and Friday will run about 30 minutes late. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Padres de NES: para estudiantes que viven entre las calles 4th y 11th, el autobús escolar pasará tarde por 30 minutos el jueves y el viernes de esta semana.

NES Parents: there is a PTO parent meeting scheduled for 2/27 at 6:30 p.m in Mac Hall. Please join us.
Padres de NES: Hay una reunión de padres el 2/27 a las 6:30 p.m en Mac Hall. Por favor únete a nosotros.

Please order your child's yearbook before March 15th to make sure they are guaranteed a yearbook. Yearbooks are $25.00 and can be ordered by sending in cash or a check (made out to Nyssa Elementary School) with the following information on the envelope: Student's Name, Grade, Teacher's Name, Number of Yearbooks Ordered, and the amount in the envelope. If you would like to purchase online please visit the following link: https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/Catalog/HomepageCategory
If you have questions please call the school or email Ms. Book (tbook@nyssasd.org)

Kindergarten Students Celebrating 100 Days of School!

2022-2023 Yearbook Sales are going on. Please order your school yearbook before March 10th! The current price for yearbooks is $25.00. If you order before March 10th you are guaranteed to get a yearbook. Any orders after March 10th will be on a first come first served basis if we order extras. Any sales after March 10th will be $30.00. If you have questions please contact Ms. Tricia Book, Yearbook Coordinator.

On January 13, 2023, MCHD will be providing a vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit from St Al's will be offering mammograms from 9am-2pm at Mac Hall located on the Elementary School campus.
MCHD will be offering childhood vaccines, Flu shots, COVID vaccines and COVID boosters. Walk-ins are welcome, but scheduling is recommended to reduce wait times. To schedule, please email adewitt@nyssasd.org.
To schedule a mammogram, please call 208-367-8787.
Both the vaccine clinic and the Moblie Mammogram Unit is open to the community.
Thanks you,
Aundra De Witt, School District Nurse
El 13 de enero de 2023, MCHD estará proporcionando una clínica de vacunas y la Unidad de Mamografía Moblie de St Al's estará ofreciendo mamografías de 9am-2pm en Mac Hall ubicado en el campus de la Escuela Primaria.
MCHD estará ofreciendo vacunas infantiles, vacunas contra la gripe, vacunas COVID y refuerzos COVID. Sin cita previa son bienvenidos, pero la programación se recomienda para reducir los tiempos de espera. Para programar, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a adewitt@nyssasd.org.
Para programar una mamografía, por favor llame al 208-367-8787.
Tanto la clínica de vacunas como la Unidad Móvil de Mamografías están abiertas a la comunidad.
Aundra De Witt, Enfermera del Distrito Escolar

Presione el link de abajo para darnos su opinion en el calendario escolar para el proximo año, por favor lea cuidadosamente las opciones antes de enviar su respuesta. Nos importa su opinion.

Click the link below to provide your input on the following possible calendars for next year. Please read thoroughly before making you selections. We value your opinion.

Nyssa Elementary Spirit Week: Tuesday, 12/13 Wear Red, White, and Green Wednesday, 12/14 Wear your favorite Christmas socks and/or Hat Thursday, 12/15 Dress like your favorite Christmas Character Friday, 12/16 Wear Your Pajamas
Dias de espiritu! Martes, 13/12 vistete de rojo, blanco, y verde Miercoles, 14/12 Usa tus calcetines y/o gorro de Navidad favoritos Jueves, 15/12 Vistete como tu personaje navideño favorito Viernes, 16/12 Dia del pijama

Please take a moment to watch the video of our NES Dance Group's performance. This is an after school group taught by Mrs. Burbank.

Dear Families,
Hello, my name is Yesenia Becerril Preschool Specialist for the Migrant Education Program. It will be a pleasure to serve and support you in the early education of your children. Our goal is to help your student know and be able to do what is necessary to enter kindergarten. Your involvement in your child's education is of great importance. We will be hosting learning events. I am excited to work with you and your student.
Yesenia Becerril

Estimadas familias,
Hola, mi nombre es Yesenia Becerril Especialista en Preescolar del Programa de Educación Migrante. Será un placer servirles y apoyarlos en la educación temprana de sus hijos. Nuestra meta es ayudar a que su alumno conozca y sea capaz de hacer lo necesario para ingresar al kínder. Su participación en la educación de su hijo es de gran importancia. Estaremos organizando eventos de aprendizaje. Estoy emocionada de trabajar con usted y su estudiante.
Dear Families,
Yesenia Becerril

Toys for Tots 2022 Nyssa, Vale, and Adrian Community sign ups at Nyssa Elementary, Today Monday December 5th 5-9pm. Sign ups in the District office 9am-3pm the rest of this week.
Toys for Tots 2022 Registros para la comunidad de Nyssa, Vale y Adrian.
Hoy Lunes 5 de Diciembre de 5pm-9pm en la Primaria de Nyssa.
Regístrese en la oficina del distrito de 9 am a 3 pm el resto de esta semana.

Please see our presentation from tonight's Title 1A and Student Investment Account Parent Meeting. If you have any questions or would like to offer input about the information presented please contact Dr. Johnson or Ms. Cline.

Our September “Pawsitive Office Referral” students went to lunch with our vice principal, Ms. Cline.
To earn a “Pawsitive Referral” our students show their best Bullpup behavior. They exhibit our core values by showing they are safe, respect and responsible. Or they show perseverance by working towards meeting their social and academic goals. One Pawsitive Referral student from each grade level is drawn for this special lunch.
We will draw a winner again next week for our October winners. 🐾

Please join us!
Únase con nosotros para una reunión de padres del Título 1A para discutir cómo NES usa los fondos del Título 1A para apoyar a su hijo en la lectura y las matemáticas. Tendramos disponible cuidado de niños y una cena de pizza y bebidas. Lunes, 24 de octubre. 5PM en NES en la Sala 34.

Our September monthly assembly students that were picked in the drawing went to A&W for ice cream today with our Vice Principal, Ms. Cline! Keep up the awesome behavior and earn those blue tickets!
¡Nuestros estudiantes de la asamblea mensual de Septiembre que fueron elegidos en la rifa fueron a A&W a tomar un helado hoy con nuestra subdirectora, la Sra. Cline! ¡Sigan con el conpartamiento incredíble y ganaron esos boletos azules!

NES would like to thank Henggeler Packing Co. of Fruitland for donating 100 apples in contribution to our Staff Appreciation “Apple Nachos” bar. An assortment of toppings were set out so the staff could stop by and create a sliced apple treat!
A special thanks to Mrs. Cheryl Esplin for her assistance in this event.
Our NES staff really is “Amazing to the Core”!